My 5 New Year’s Resolutions for 2024

Hello Lovelies!! I hope 2024 has been good to you so far! As the calendar turns and a new year begins, it’s natural to contemplate the changes and improvements we’d like to make in our lives. I’ve never been big on New Year’s resolutions only because I believe you can decide to make a change at any time. However, with the start of a new year comes the feeling of a fresh start. I understand why people decide to create resolutions during this time. With that being said, I took some time to reflect back on 2023 and think about what I would like to change and improve in 2024. And I’m going to share these thoughts with you! Here are 5 things I’d like to focus on in 2024:

Be more organized

Having a baby brings with it a lot of STUFF. Baby gear seems to multiply overnight—furniture, clothes, and toys with 100 pieces — creating chaos. This year, I’m committed to streamlining our space and finding systems that work. I’m starting with one area at a time so it doesn’t feel overwhelming. I recently ordered these pantry organizers and glass storage containers for our pantry because that felt like a good place to start! I will share before + afters of each area because if anything, that’ll help keep me accountable.

Get more fresh air

I recently bought this inflatable bounce house for L and it has been such a joy watching him bounce around in it. It has also brought us outside every single day since we’ve had it. It has reminded me of the simple joy of being outdoors and I’m committed to making our backyard the oasis we’ve always dreamed about. In 2024, I’m setting aside intentional time for outdoor activities, soaking in nature’s gifts, and enjoying the simple pleasure of fresh air.

Eat more whole foods

Amidst the chaos of daily life, it’s so easy to succumb to convenience and processed foods. I’ve definitely been guilty of that these past two years. But this year I am determined to make conscious choices for my family’s health. We set the example for our children and I want L to see us eating vibrant, nutrient-rich whole foods versus the processed junk that is so readily available. I’ve already made it a priority to keep our kitchen stocked with fresh fruits and vegetables at all times. This way, when hunger strikes we all have several options to choose from. We’ve also been eating out a lot less, and cooking at home a lot more and I want to continue that in 2024.

Get ready everyday

Self-care often takes a backseat when you become a mom. Yet, I know that taking a moment to get ready in the morning can set the tone for the day ahead. It’s so easy to just stay in pajamas or a robe all day as a stay at home parent. But this year, I’m embracing the power of routine and aiming to start each day feeling put together.

This doesn’t mean doing a full glam every morning. I’m not one to set unrealistic expectations for myself! I just mean running a brush through my hair, making sure I get my skincare done, and changing out of my jammies. (Even if that means just putting on a cute workout set or some lounge wear) to make myself feel more put together. This always instantly makes me feel way better and I won’t be completely embarrassed if any of the neighbors see me walking to the mailbox to check the mail looking like a ragamuffin. 🤣

Give more of my uninterrupted attention to others

Giving your undivided attention to someone is a precious gift. Whether it’s to my family, friends, or even to myself, I’m striving to be more present and attentive from now on. I want to cherish these moments of connection and really live in the present moment. This one can be especially difficult for me since I work from my phone a lot. Because of this, I’m planning time into my day for work and then putting it away and trying my best to stick with that. This can be so, so hard for anyone who works for themselves. You’re never truly “off” in that scenario but I’m going to try my absolute best!

While these may seem like simple shifts, that’s the point of resolutions in my opinion. You don’t want to set yourself up for failure. Instead, implement small changes that can potentially make a big impact. These aren’t strict resolutions, but rather guiding principals to shape my year. Change doesn’t happen overnight, but with each small step, I’m crafting a more intentional and meaningful path for 2024.

In the end, it’s not about the date on the calendar but the commitment to continuous growth and improvement no matter the time of year. As I embark on this journey, I invite you to join me in pursuing what brings joy, balance, and fulfillment to your life, regardless of when you choose to begin. Here’s to a year of growth, learning, and embracing the beauty of the simplicity in everyday!

Cheers to a great 2024! 🥂 What are some of your New Year’s resolutions? I would love to hear them! Share them with me in the comments below.

Thanks for stopping by! I'm Stephanie, a 30-something RN turned SAHM and Nap Time Blogger. I love sharing my favorite fashion finds, beauty trends, must have baby + toddler essentials, nursing school tips, my favorite healthy recipes, & more! If that sounds like it's your jam, then follow along! If you'd like to be alerted of new blog posts, be sure to sign up for the newsletter!


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  1. This is great advice. Thank you for sharing. I am trying to do the same things. In fact as a reminder to myself my email address is newme because I try to start each day with a new attitude. Good luck with your “resolutions”. I look forward to following your progress.

    Posted 1.19.24 Reply